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Tuesday, April 7

Inside S'mores & Eagle Awards

Did you know that only 6% of Boy Scouts actually earn the Eagle Scout rank? Some teen boys are mature enough to understand how the award will help them, while others are encouraged by parents and Scoutmasters. Our boys will be the first to tell you that it's a combination of both...

Scouts are a big part of our weekly lives here. My husband and I both come from scouting families, were scouts ourselves, and now the boys are as well. Although we have not been in favor of some of the changes made over the past decade to the program, it is still a strong program that has much to offer for young men.

One just ranked up to Star Scout, and the other achieved his Eagle rank at the age of 13. They both work hard on the badge activities, leadership projects, and community service hours required to earn the title of Eagle Scout.

Becoming an Eagle Scout takes perseverance and work. Boy Scouts have to earn all of the ranks in order, earn twenty-one merit badges (including thirteen required ones), serve six months or more in a leadership position, make a service project proposal, and carry out that leadership project. After all of that is complete, there is the board review - which is a bit like a job interview - to pass. No pressure...

When it was time for his board review, our son starting to have anxiety - totally normal.  But shortly after, once he had passed, he turned to us and thanked us for keeping him on track and encouraging him to push through those tough moments.  In the two years since earning his award, we've seen what a difference that confidence makes.  He's willing to do the hard things...because he's done it before.
After the board review comes the PARTY!  For some families, it's an over-the-top, no-expense-spared shindig.  For others, they do the ceremony and go out to dinner.  We fell in the a small reception after the ceremony.

Our reception included a tri-fold board (like you'd use for the science fair) with a photographic journey of his time in Scouting...stretching all the way back to Tiger cubs.  Family members who traveled to attend the reception really liked this aspect, as it allowed them to see some things they had missed.  It was also a nice walk down memory lane for the boys and Scoutmaster...
What do you serve at a Boy Scout reception?  Well, s'mores, of course!  But in January, that can be we made up trays of s'mores that can be cooked indoors.

  • Using a nice plastic tray...remember, it's a room full of boys...that we picked up at Goodwill, we made pretty little sections of chocolate squares, graham crackers, and giant marshmallows.  
  • Then we took sterno canisters, set them inside river rocks inside a loaf pan (to help prevent a fire accident from one getting knocked over), and set them in the middle of the table.
  • Small plates and wooden skewers rounded out the necessary tools for enjoying inside s'mores.  The boys and guests all enjoyed this sweet treat!

But boys don't earn their Eagle Scout rank for the party. They do it because they are living the Scout Law - being trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent - every day.

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