Monday, August 22

Farming Books for Middle & High School (Interest-Led Schooling)

One of our sons is more the hands-on, outdoors type of kid.  He works hard and has great work ethic, but doesn't really plan to continue schooling beyond graduation.  He's not a fan of reading, but enjoys reading about working with animals and the land.  If you've got a kid like this....this list is for you!

**It should be noted that, while there are so many farm-themed books for elementary-aged children, this book list has been composed specifically with middle and high school students in mind.

Looking for farm books for the elementary grades?  Find those here!

--> Download & Print the Farm Book List <--

Stay tuned for our 2023 Word of the Year -- it will have something to do with homesteading!

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Looking for something more in-depth - a full-year course?  Check out Homestead Science.  Created for upper grades learners, Introduction to Homestead Science contains 18 interactive units that teach agriculture science, life skills, mathematics, and character lessons.  Each of those units includes eight lessons, spanning two weeks, for a total of thirty-six weeks.  Each lesson has accompanying workbook activities and projects.  The curriculum also includes tests, quizzes, and six homestead projects (no acreage required).

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