Like many families, we love the relaxed yet comprehensive fit of The Good & the Beautiful curriculum, and we plan to keep using it through the high school years. To that end, along with the assistance of a few other moms, we've created a suggested plan for using the US Constitution & Government course for high school students...
What is the course?
The US Constitution & Government course covers both the text and context of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and all 27 Amendments. It immerses students in the lives of the Founding Fathers and Mothers as well as the important events and documents that formed America’s government. Additionally, History Case Files are included in the course book to walk students through how to critically think about bias, truth, facts, and primary sources. Included audio biographies provide inspirational accounts of the lives of important men and women during the framing of the Constitution.
If teaching family-style, there is an optional activity book for grades K–3 which allows for younger students to learn along with their older siblings. The Activity Book is not integrated into the course, nor does it follow the scope and sequence of the course. It simply has fun activities about colonial times and Founding Fathers for younger children to enjoy.
If teaching family-style, there is an optional activity book for grades K–3 which allows for younger students to learn along with their older siblings. The Activity Book is not integrated into the course, nor does it follow the scope and sequence of the course. It simply has fun activities about colonial times and Founding Fathers for younger children to enjoy.
The company has taken a lot of flak for this course, but it does a great job of walking through the Constitution and the complicated issues the Founding Fathers faced in setting up our nation. I truly appreciate the care they took in presenting a positive viewpoint while not downplaying the challenges and controversial issues. They also took care to present diverse viewpoints, including those of women and people of color.
Additional Reading
Access the Good & Beautiful Extensions Page (lots of extras for every subject!)
This plan beefs up this course to high school standards, and includes:
- Additional readings
- Videos & film
- Independent research
- 100-question test
- Documentation log
It is our hope that these printable plans with supplements will help you to continue family-style learning with your elementary and upper grades children.
For families wanting to add Economics at home, we recommend the Uncle Eric - Bluestocking series. Featuring a real-world, history-based approach to government and economics, this makes a perfect elective for our high schooler. (You can opt just to use the economics books.)
- Federalist Papers
- Anti-Federalist Papers
- 1776
- Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence
- Wives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence
- Ancient Rome: How it Affects You Today
- George Washington's Farewell Speech
- YWAM Benjamin Franklin
- Whatever Happened to Justice?
- The Law
- Are You Liberal? Conservative? Confused?
- Political Philosophies (optional workbook)
Further Resources
- Historic Documents collection (Wallbuilders)
- Immigration Test (includes answers)
Writing Assignments
- Write a 2-page research on a founding father or mother. Include their history and contributions.
- Write a 5-paragraph compare / contrast paper on the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights. Address all three documents.
- Write a persuasive essay regarding why slavery should or should not have been included in the Constitution. Address both sides, then persuade the reader to your argument.
- Write a process essay on the amendment process.
Co-op Classes
Sparks Academy offers two versions of the US Constitution & Government class as part of their online courses. One is a single-semester government course, while the other is a year-long course that also includes a semester of economics and entrepreneurship.
For a peer group setting and /or more structured needs (available for language arts, science, and history), Sparks Academy provides blended classes. These are classes hosted online that include textbook and video elements, discussion feeds with peers, and live, virtual meetings. Each week, the students are interacting through facilitated discussion in a private forum. Classes “meet” weekly via shared assignments and moderated discussion during the school year (August 15,2022 – May 5, 2023 for the ’22-’23 school year).
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