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Monday, August 12

6th & 9th Grade Curriculum Reveal!

Join us for 5 Days of Upper Grades Homeschooling!
  • 8/12    Curriculum Reveal
  • 8/13    Middle & High School Electives
  • 8/14    Printing & Prepping
  • 8/15    Blending Learning Styles
  • 8/16    Student-Led Learning
It's that time of year again...time to kick off another great school year!!  

After several years of working together, as a family, the boys will finally be branching off to completely-independent work.  This will allow our high schooler to focus on his interests as he begins working on his college transcript, and also allow a little more individual attention to our special needs middle schooler.  

I'm still a really big fan, however, of the family working together in a learning environment!  Regardless of age, we'll still be doing family read-alouds're never too old for Mami to read to you!

So what are we using?  And why?
  • Story of the World volume 1 w/ Activity Book - With four years to go until we hit high school level history, the little one wanted to use this fun, classical approach!  Though geared more toward younger students, it fits his needs, and we can have higher-order discussions as we progress.
  • The Good & the Beautiful History 4 - This year features Ancient Rome, the Reformation, Civil War, and Post WW2 history.
  • Schoolhouse Teachers World History - We struggled to find something at a high level for our history buff, but will use two years of ST history before heading into duel-enrollment land!
  • Uncle Eric - Bluestocking series - Featuring a real-world, history-based approach to government and economics, this makes a perfect elective for our high schooler.
  • Apologia Exploring Creation with Chemistry & Physics
  • The Good & the Beautiful - Chemistry & Maturation units - These are a relaxed way to reinforce the concepts covered in our chemistry class, and maturation is your basic sex ed class.  Both boys are really looking forward to this....
  • Know Yourself - science subscription - We found this forgotten gem under the stairs when the house flooded!  Unfortunately, the company no longer makes these subscription boxes, BUT they do make some individual products!  This combines history with science, and does it through hands-on experiments and graphic novel...just what Dr. Bonyfide ordered!
  • Apologia High School Biology w/ Lab Manual - Probably the least-anticipated class for our high schooler...but a required diploma subject.  Everybody has that ONE class, right?
  • Saxon Algebra I & Saxon 7/6 - A comprehensive program that provides a great foundation for math skills.  It's an older program, but it works well.  Why reinvent the wheel?
Reading / Grammar
Foreign Language
  • Latin for Children - B - Next in the progression...
  • Perrico Spanish - From the files of my mom's teaching days...this book is so old, it's not even in print anymore!  (And it's got a mimeograph workbook...which I dare say half of you don't even know what I'm talking about. 😊 )
Physical Education / Health
  • Introduction to Ballroom Dance - As the days get colder, we will be moving around inside more often.  Now is a great time for them to start learning some social dance skills.
  • Vintage Remedies for Teens - Our son has been interested in learning more about herbal remedies, and this teaches that in the context of "growing & changing."
  • Driver's Education - I can't believe we're already here!!
  • One Year Adventure Novel - This DVD-based course will walk our high schooler through writing a strong narrative...something he's already been working on for a bit.
  • AV-Stem - Ever attend a convention and stumble upon something absolutely perfect for your family?  This was one of those times!
  • Guitar 360 - Trying something new this year, the little one wants to learn guitar so he can "play old-fashioned 80's music!"
When you break it down, that comes to eight full-year classes per kid!  It sure seems like a lot when we write it all down!!!  So what about you?  What curriculum or extras are you excited about this year??

Looking for a different grade?  Check out our other curricula reveals!


  1. We are at the point of Driver's Ed for our teen. I can't believe how fast the years go by. He was just in 1st grade when his father & I married.

    1. It goes by so quickly, right?!

  2. I hadn't heard of some of those options before, will be checking a couple of them out.

    1. I just love how they can do cool stuff we didn't get in forging!

  3. We're doing drivers ed this year too. I can't believe we here already.


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