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Tuesday, August 11

2020-2021 Curriculum Reveal -- What made the cut?

It's that time of the year again! Maybe it's because I'm a TK (Teacher's Kid), or maybe it's just because I'm weird....but the back-to-school sales and smell of new books always make me happy. This year, we've got a high schooler and middle schooler...the house is full of hormones happiness....

This is part of our series - Five Days of Homeschooling Teens.  Read the whole series...

Morning Basket (Together Time)

Since as far back as we can remember (which is to say, since the first kid was born), we've started our days with a little bit of reading together time. Now that they're teens, I see no reason to stop this tradition. We just change the book selections!
Seriously though, your teen might grumble that it's not cool to read together with his little siblings and his mom, but inside, he's truly loving it. I like to combat fidgety-ness with these Rick Riordan-themed coloring books. One kid has Magnus Chase while the other has Percy Jackson. It keeps their hands busy, but their minds open and engaged in the story. Before coloring books, it was Legos...

These are the books we'll be reading aloud together this year:

  • Clearing Weather
  • My Brother Sam is Dead
  • The North & South Pole
  • The King's Fifth
  • Evangeline of Acadia
  • Thunder Rolling in the Mountains
  • Kublai Khan
  • Red Falcons of Tremoine
  • Magnus Chase coloring
  • Percy Jackson coloring
Once our story time is done (usually a couple of chapters), we have a quick rundown of the day. Sometimes this is a quick once-over of their daily assignments. Other times, it's a reminder that we have appointments or a field trip or something special going on.

7th Grade Curriculum

Our 7th grade son is a very hands-on learner, and is still playing catch up in a few subjects.  Best options for him are straightforward and comprehensive.  We've chosen:

10th Grade Curriculum

Our 10th grade son should be starting the pre-engineering program at the local votech...however, we're waiting to see whether this happens what with the 'rona.  In the meantime, we're planning for a full year here at home...
Naturally, there's sure to be some adjustments throughout the year.  We're hoping to supplement our studies with a few nice, long roadschooling trips as well!  Here's to a fantastic new year!

Looking for a different grade?  Check out our other curricula reveals!


  1. Great list! I have been considering the Good and the Beautiful this year for LA and history, but I haven't made a final decision. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.

  2. enjoy your roadschooling trips! We enjoyed a child's geography.

  3. I love the idea of including coloring books - and those look really awesome!


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