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Thursday, August 8

Back to the Beach!

When the rest of the world goes back to school...that's our cue to go on vacation.  It's a homeschool break, and one that we relish with enthusiasm!  Every year...this is what keeps us going through the hard times...through the times when we don't want to keep on movin' on....
Not everyone is as big of a fan of the waves, but that doesn't mean that there isn't fun to be had in the dunes....or bird-watching!

The gorgeous sunrise greets us each morning.......
....we begin the day with a walk along the beach, gathering shells and absorbing the wonder of the nature around us....
.....a trip across the street brings us to the sand dune park, where can go hiking, hang gliding, or just roll down the sand...

....back on the beach for round two, around lunch time, we dig up natural discoveries and explore further...

....these birds were having a luncheon....feasting on sand crabs and humoring us!
Sometimes, it's we can make 'tar heels.'  Sometimes, it's so windy that you can jump and glide a few feet!

These are pictures that our son took....he has an eye for natural beauty!

Across from the sand dunes is the kite shop and fudge factory.  More than that, it's a four-story tall lookout point for watching the world go by...
....and on this particular day, we watched the Wright Brothers airplane glide across the dunes!

Where does your family goes to recharge its batteries?

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