About Yvie
With 20+ years experience in education and counseling, I have a passion for helping other homeschool moms!
I've worked in elementary, middle, and high schools, as well as at the collegiate level, in both a teaching and school counseling capacity. For over ten years, I have been homeschooling our two boys - one gifted and one special needs - and understand the struggles that many moms face.
I teach blended online classes for high school language arts and history, as well as offer school counseling assistance, at Sparks Academy.
About the Homeschool On the Range
After years of constant travel with work, our family has settled onto a small acreage in the country and is looking forward to practicing the art of simplicity.
We homeschool our boys and are learning about homesteading, and we will be sharing our adventures here. We utilize a combination of Charlotte Mason and unit studies methods, and love reading aloud together - even with teens!
Here you'll find homeschool posts (mostly aimed at middle and high school age, as that's what we have), animal husbandry and gardening posts, recipes, and the occasional book review.
Visit my Published Works
Platinum Sponsorship ***$1050***
This package includes:
Gold Sponsorship **$650+**
This package includes:
Silver Sponsorship *$350+*
This package includes:
Welcome to our little slice of heaven!
Vacationing in Cabo - 2017 Teaching an Online Class - 2021
Email to grlrunner82 (at) gmail (dot) com.
Want to Guest Post?
We request that all posts:
- be 800+ words long
- have no more than 3 relevant links back to your blog
- all should be no-follow links
- contain no affiliate links
- have no more than 2 pictures
- fit with the theme of homeschooling the upper grades - OR special needs homeschooling
- include an author biography
- be shared by the author in at least 2 social media locations upon publication
Upon article submission, we will review and determine if it is a good fit for the blog. If accepted, we will schedule and send you the date it will be published.
Looking To Advertise With Us?
I am willing to work with family-friendly products that homeschooling and homesteading families would benefit from.Platinum Sponsorship ***$1050***
This package includes:
- One year of advertising on my blog. Banner size of your choice.
- One blog post per month for 12 months. Post will feature your brand/latest products, deals and/or specials.
- Posts of your choice can be Tweeted out and pinned to Pinterest weekly for one year.
Gold Sponsorship **$650+**
This package includes:
- Six months of advertising on my blog. Banner size of your choice.
- One blog post per month for six months. Post will feature your brand/latest products, deals and/or specials.
- Posts of your choice can be tweeted out and pinned to Pinterest every other week at peak times for six months.
Silver Sponsorship *$350+*
This package includes:
- Three months of advertising on my blog. Banner size of your choice.
- One blog post per month for three months. Post will feature your brand/latest products, deals and/or specials. Included in the post will be any links back to your site.
- Posts of your choice can be tweeted out and placed on Pinterest weekly during peak times for three months.