Bibliography (outside of Sparks Academy & Homeschool On the Range)
- Field, Y. (2024/5, Winter.) Five Frugal Holiday Giving Ideas. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 84-85. (Online version)
- Field, Y. (2024, Summer.) Because Laughter is the Best Balm for the Soul…Here are Ten Signs that You’re Homeschooling a Teenager! Let's Teach! Magazine, 8-11. (E-zine)
- Field, Y. (2024, Spring.) Year-Round Gardening and Preservation. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 174-175. (Online version)
- Field, Y. (2023, Winter.) Connecting the Dots: Cursive and Special Needs. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 104-105. (Online version)
- Field, Y. (2023, Fall.) Exploring Scientific Concepts Through Literature. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 78-79. (Online version)
- Field, Y. (2023, July 26.) Upper Grades Homeschool Planning Made Easy: A Mom's Guide to Organizing the Year. (Christian Moms site).
- Field, Y. (2023, Summer.) Choosing Books Wisely: Teaching through Living Books. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 102-103.
- Field, Y. (2022, Winter.) Homeschool Blogging: the Good, Bad, the Unexpected! The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 26-27.
- Field, Y. (2022, Fall.) The Unexpected Homeschooler: Didn't See that Coming! The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, digital. (Online version)
- Field, Y. (2022, Spring.) Blessing Our Children with Herbal Wisdom. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 120-121. (Online version)
- Field, Y. (2021, Winter.) Love to Learn: Learning Through Living Books. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 62-63. (Online version)
- Field, Y. (2021, June 4.) Teaching Public Speaking in Homeschool. (The Schoolhouse Review Crew site).
- Field, Y. (2021, Summer.) Making Work for You. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 66-67. (Online version)
- Field, Y. (2021, March 6.) Homeschool Travel Advice. (The Schoolhouse Review Crew site).
- Field, Y. (2021, Spring.) Finding Faith on the Farm: One Boy's Story. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 75-76.
- Field, Y. (2021, January 8.) A Guide for Homeschool Moms: Finding 'Me' Time. (The Schoolhouse Review Crew site).
- Field, Y. (2021, January 3.) Roadschooling is Rich in Opportunities. (The Homeschool Cafe site).
- Field, Y. (2020, December 18.) Incorporating History into Roadschooling. (Simple Homeschool Lifestyle site).
- Field, Y. (2020, December 16.) Encourage Learning by Reading with Your Children. (The Heart of Michelle site).
- Field, Y. (2020, December 15.) Roadschooling as a Lifestyle. (A Mom's Quest to Teach site).
- Field, Y. (2020, December 11.) Finding Joy in Hard Times. (Castleview Academy site).
- Field, Y. (2020, Winter.) Tackling High School, Year by Year. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 78-79.
- Field, Y. (2020, Winter.) Freezer Meals & Holiday Ideas. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 126-127.
- Field, Y. (2020, Winter.) Epidemics in World History. Homeschool Life Magazine, 14.
- Field, Y. (2020, November 12.) Going Down the Rabbit Hole: How to Create a Unit Study for Your Homeschool. (A Net in Time site).
- Field, Y. (2020, November 3.) Learning Through Literature: Epidemics in World History with Fever 1793, by Laurie Halse Anderson. (Houseful of Chaos site).
- Field, Y. (2020, Fall.) Tackling the High School Transcript. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 86-88.
- Field, Y. (2020, September 23.) How to Use Living Books in Your Homeschool. (The Fervent Mama site).
- Field, Y. (2020, August 11.) Homeschool Must-Have Resources. (Schoolhouse Review Crew site).
- Field, Y. (2020, Spring.) Find Your Rhythm with Year-Round Schooling. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 84-85.
- Field, Y. (2020, February 21.) Mastering Study Skills. (Schoolhouse Review Crew site).
- Field, Y. (2020, January 29.) Academic Adventurer: Using the Road to Inspire Lessons. (Adventurous Mailbox).
- Field, Y. (2019, December 10.) Learning About Chanukah in Our Homeschool. (Hess Unacademy).
- Field, Y. (2019, Fall.) Save Time with Make-Ahead Thanksgiving Dishes! The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 96-97.
- Field, Y. (2019, August 14.) Before Back-to-School: Year by Year High School Guide. (Schoolhouse Review Crew site).
- Field, Y. (2019, August 13.) Choosing Middle & High School Electives. (With the Huddlestons site).
- Field, Y. (2019, August 9.) Charlotte Mason Approach to Homeschool. (The Homeschool Resource Room site).
- Field, Y. (2019, Summer). You Can Take it With You: A Nomadic Homeschool Lifestyle. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 28-29.
- Field, Y. (2019, Summer). Living History with We Were There Books. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 42-45. Digital-
- Field, Y. (2019, July 12.) You Know You're a Homeschool Mom When... (Schoolhouse Review Crew site).
- Field, Y. (2019, June 21.) Road-Schooling: How to Get Rolling. (Castleview Academy site).
- Field, Y. (2019, June 7.) Three Steps to a Year of Positivity with the Friday Box. (Castleview Academy site).
- Field, Y. (2019, March 4.) How to Maintain Happiness & Sanity in an Information-Overload World. (Real World Learners site).
- Field, Y. (2019, February 25.) Taking the Hi-Lo Road to Reading. (Hide the Chocolate site).
- Field, Y. (2019, January 21.) The Friday Box. (Krafti Mama site).
- Field, Y. (2018, June 29.) Easy Herbal Immune Boosters. (Adventures in Homeschooling site).
- Field, Y. (2018, March 30.) Get Outdoors! Field Trip to the Zoo. (Schoolhouse Review Crew site).
- Field, Y. (2018, March 17.) Interview with Gypsy Road Homeschoolers. (The Happy Homeschooler site).
- Field, Y. (2017, July 21.) Road & Vacation Schooling. (Schoolhouse Review Crew site).
- Field, Y. (2017, April 14.) A Postcard from North Carolina. (Castleview Academy site).
- Field, Y. (2016, August 15.) What You Need to Know about Road-Schooling. (The Multi-Taskin' Mom site).
- Field, Y. (2016, April 16.) Picnic at the Oklahoma Land Run. (Minivan Ministries site.)
- Field, Y. (2016-current). Primary author at The Homeschool House website - all articles
- Field, Y. (2015, September 27.) Our Roadschooling Journey. (Schoolhouse Review Crew site.)
- Field, Y. (2015, May 18). DIY Medieval Costumes from Household Supplies. (Creative K Kids site).
- Field, Y. (2015, January 5.) Kick Off the New Year with a Clean House! (I Dream of Clean site).
- excepting DD's Journal.
- Johnson, Holly L., Landry Robert J. & Landry, Karen S. (2005.) Multiple Intelligences Inserted into the Lesson Plan. Curriculum Integration K-12 (edited by James S. Etim).
Boys' Bibliography
- Johnson, R. (2023, Winter.) Playing at History. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, 38-39. (Online version)
- Johnson, A. (2018, December). Snowy Dirt Road. The Luminous, cover.
- Johnson, A. (2017, Summer). Below the Tree. Schoolhouse Teachers photography contest, 1st place - 13 and under.
- Johnson, C. (2018, December). Peloponnesian Wars. The Luminous, 16-18.
- Johnson, A. (2019, December). Inside-Out Biltmore House & Mom on the Train Tracks. The Luminous, 24, 37.
- Johnson, C. (2019, December). Iron Air. The Luminous, 34-36.
- Johnson, A. (2020, April). Spring Babies. The Luminous, 28.

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