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Friday, November 29

The Ghost of Darwin Stewart + Giveaway!

 Do ghosts really exist? 

"There can be only two answers to this question. If you think a ghost is the spirit of someone who has died, then an unequivocal “NO.”  Hebrews 9:27 NLT says, “Man is destined once to die, after that the judgment.” This means the soul/spirit does not remain on earth; it goes to one of two eternal places. Heaven for the believer, and Hell for the unbeliever. Remember the story of Lazarus and the rich man. 

If you believe a ghost is a spirit being, then “YES.” Spirits are very real. The bible never refers to ghosts as the dead and departed. They are spirit beings, created by God.  The Bible clearly teaches about good and evil spirits, not dead humans who stay behind to “haunt” a place or person. Up until recent years, our Bible referred to the third person of the trinity as the “Holy Ghost.” Within the last 40 or so years, an explosion of different translations have appeared to clarify or remove difficult wording or to make uncomfortable verses easier to understand. 

So, ghost is another term for spirit. 

The Issachar gatekeeper is a clean, fun, faith-based adventure that will introduce tweens, teens, and young adults to spiritual concepts within a biblical worldview. Readers with a faith-filled background will recognize various references, while readers with little or no exposure to God’s word will still enjoy a ghostly adventure with spirits, shapeshifters and a benevolent High King and evil entities.  

The ghostly theme of this series is designed to attract the interest of young people. After all, everyone enjoys a bit of a thrill occasionally. I hope this short exploration of Scripture will ease any anxieties Christians might feel about the use of “ghosts” in my novels."      ~L.G. Nixon

Recently we had the opportunity to check out The Ghost of Darwin Stewart, the first book in a series for teens and young adults.  It incorporates faith-based principles as well as the supernatural.

The Ghost of Darwin Stewart (L.G. Nixon)

A girl, a ghost, and a magical artifact. What could go wrong?

Summer vacation is all fun and games for Lucy Hornberger...until she's attacked by a smelly ghost and followed by a terrifying shape-shifter who declares he must retrieve an ancient artifact called the Spectrescope, which Lucy happens to have in her possession. The Spectrescope has revealed a beguiling reality filled with magic, spirits, and Irredaemons who have crossed into her world. Lucy has discovered deep secrets that could destroy both realities.

Entangled in an unbelievable struggle against a spirit world she never knew existed, Lucy's understanding of reality has her questioning everything. Once things of fantasy, ghosts, spirits, shapeshifters, and magical objects are suddenly real and menacing.

As the entities pursue the Spectrescope, Lucy must search for a way to defeat the spirits and discover the truth about the unseen realm. 

Lucy must decide—should she protect the artifact and defend her world against this evil that is threatening it? Or give it up to protect herself and her loved ones? And at what cost to the innocent? Can someone called the High King help her in this fight against the Dark Prince?

Lucy has been chosen, but evil is strong, and the night has secrets of its own.

Snag a copy of the book!

In the same vein as some of the classic mysteries - Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Frank Peretti, etc - Lucy and her friends are young teens who have a mystery to solve!  Unlike the stories of old, this one involves supernatural elements and also includes faith-based ideas.  There are angels - not the cherubic kind, but the true Biblical kind - and an ancient artifact that allows her to interact with spirits.  One of the author's strong suits is world-building, and the setting is a character in itself within the story.  We have wizards, demons, archetypal good and evil, and lots of magic, but the plot doesn't stray from it's Bible-based undercurrents, even though it isn't preachy.  This is the first installment in The series, and we'll be interested to see what happens next...

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