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Wednesday, May 19

Summer Fun Studies: Teen Boy Edition!

Summer is about having the time to get the experience and venture down bunny trails!

While we take a break from core studies during the summer, each kid usually picks out a couple of 'fun studies' for summer learning.  These are elective courses that might be shorter than a full semester, or just things we didn't have time for during the regular year.  If you have the flexibility - and the world opens up again - summer is the perfect time to take a roadschool vacation!

Last year, the boys worked together to study World War 2 (see that here), but they're a bit older and wanted to work independently now.  Thanks to 'rona, and a second year without summer camps or extracurriculars going on, there's even more time....

This summer the boys chose: 

  • Homesteading
    • The youngest is our farmer-in-training.  He loves being outdoors and making things, and is on a homesteading kick!  Follow his farming adventures on his animal blog.
  • Animal Science 
    • This goes hand in hand with the farming, only extends it to the entire animal kingdom.  It's likely he'll breeze through some of the units and spend an inordinate amount of time on others...
  • Advanced Chemistry: Metals 
    • If you think this is really specific, you'd be right!  Our older son is very into welding and metallurgy right now, and wants to learn more about the chemistry of metals and how they work.
  • Middle Ages History
    • Because what teen boy shouldn't be interested in sword fighting and chivalry?!  He'll also be working on chain maille and crafting a suit of armor.

In addition to these, we'll also have Physical Education (mowing the yard, weeding the garden, and other farm chores), Finances & Life Skills (garage sales & running errands), and Home Economics (teen boys eat too much...they have to do some of the cooking!).

SchoolhouseTeachers has so many fantastic elective options for summer FUN studies that the biggest problem was narrowing down their choices to a reasonable list!  (and that's a good problem to have)


Farming & Ranching Summer Study
As our son ventures into this field with a more adult-eye, we will be creating a full-year course on farming and ranching for middle / high school students who are agriculturally-minded.  Be on the lookout for this resource in the 21-22 school year.  In the meantime, here are some amazing resources....

1 comment:

  1. good plans, and you got my brain thinking about ways to add to the lad's schooling...


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