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Monday, August 29

Roadschool Trip to Patriot's Point

Our roadschool field trip to Charleston and Savannah took us through some amazing historic properties and tours, but the boys most enjoyed our afternoon at Patriot's Point.  This museum is home to World War 2 and Vietnam-era ships, and is rife with hands-on history!

With Charleston as a beautiful backdrop, Patriots Point is home to three museum ships: the USS Yorktown, an aircraft carrier, the USS Laffey, a destroyer, and the USS Clamagore, a submarine that was sunk as an artificial reef.  It is also the starting point for tours of Fort Sumter, which was the site of the first shots fired in the American Civil War.  (Find more on the Civil War here.)  The floating museum gives visitors the chance to tour the aircraft carrier, USS Yorktown, along with a destroyer ship, and a submarine.  

The ships are amazing, with nearly every area open for visitors to experience life aboard an aircraft carrier.  The boys practiced tying knots, learned how to spot aircraft, experienced being hit with a torpedo, learned about strategic command, and took a turn in the captain's chair.  They learned about the different types of aircraft that launched from this ship, as well as the pilots who bravely flew to protect our nation in times of war.

Back on dry land, visitors can also visit the Vietnam Experience Exhibit.  The boys were fascinated by this exhibit - and Grandma attested to the fact that it was VERY realistic, very much as described by Grandpa during his successive tours.  The Vietnam Experience brings this era to life through music, nature sounds, chopper sounds, scents, and interactive pieces.

Patriot's Point Field Trip Resources

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