One of the biggest hurdles for teachers of all types - public, private, and homeschool - is burnout. It happens to the best of us, and nearly everyone experiences it at least once during their journey...
What is burn out?
Your head is constantly swimming with all the things on your to-do list and you don’t want to do any of them. You aren’t sleeping but are always tired. When three of your children ask you questions at one time, your brain melts down. You don’t remember always feeling this way, but you don’t know how to find yourself again. Welcome to Burnout City.
Burn-out and being a mom seem to be synonymous in our culture today. When children are little and have many needs to meet, a mother has little time to meet her own needs. The hope is always that they will require less as they age and therefore moms can recharge their lives. This is partially true. As children mature their physical needs are less demanding and they are able to do more for themselves. Although many mothers discover their pre-teen and teenage childrens’ emotional, mental and spiritual needs require more attention. In short their problems require more of mom's mental real estate.
I started speaking with my friends about this as my children moved into the teen years. We all agreed that as children mature into young adults, the mental energy we had to put into their well-being only seemed to increase. Some of this can be controlled but some of it is inevitable. This leads many moms I know (and myself included) into Mom Burn-out. Moms that are still caring for little ones or an aging parent requires attention can make the problem worse. The demands of life just keep screaming louder and louder.
What to do to Stop the Burnout
Unfortunately there is little meaningful help or guidance when it comes to healing burnout. Burn-out is a chain reaction of biological, mental, emotional and spiritual issues that exacerbate each other and make healing a long and sometimes difficult process. Humans are complicated beings and there are many facets to our health. Addressing all of them in some form is necessary for full healing.
Biological Causes
The gut microbiome and its effects on mental wellness are at the center of a lot of discussions. This is for good reason. Ninety percent of our dopamine and serotonin (which are our mood regulating hormones) are made by a healthy gut microbiome. Chemicals in the environment, pharmaceuticals, food additives and stress negatively affect that delicate balance. The impact on mental wellness becomes not only noticeable but overwhelming. Biological causes need to be addressed before the other components of mental wellness because the biology is foundational. Also building back a healthy microbiome takes time. Addressing sleep issues, pain issues and poor diet are essential to building back a healthy gut. Eating live probiotic and prebiotic foods such as kimchi and kombucha encourage the helpful bacteria to thrive. Taking a probiotic supplement can be helpful but finding a quality one that contains the exact microbiome that is required for an improvement in mental wellness is key. Many probiotic supplements either don’t make it to the intestinal tract to work effectively or they only improve digestion and do nothing for mental wellness. I recommend Amare Global’s line of products. They have fine-tuned probiotics that are not only effective but cover all aspects of mental wellness.
Mental Causes
Much overwhelm comes from too many things on our mental To-Do list. Organizational lists, dividing up chores with children and spouses can help this. I love the book Fair Play by Eve Rodsky for dividing up spousal responsibilities. Dropping the things that don’t matter are also important for mental loads. Assess what really matters in this season of time. For me our garden is time consuming in the summer but as we move into the school year, it has to fall down on the priority list. Maybe there is a period of time where house cleanliness drops as a priority. Maybe some distance is required from a demanding relationship during a busy season of your life. Always be assessing what the priorities are during a particular season and then you don’t have to feel the constant mental drain of everything.
Emotional Causes
When our biological and mental strain is high, our emotions can display our issues. When you are feeling overwhelmed by your emotional responses to situations and relationships are faltering, counseling or therapy can be essential. What I’ve witnessed is once a mom is addressing her biological and mental issues, she is ready to move to the emotional component. Counseling is more efficient because she has clarity about her problems. A healthy support system is also important in healing if it is filled with people who are also working towards emotional health..
Spiritual Causes
Spiritual wellness brings healing to the rest of our being. Forgiveness of those who have wronged us, seeking forgiveness for those we have wronged and looking for a purpose greater than ourselves all encourage complete healing. A faith community that offers support for physical and emotional speeds recovery. For me, the women of my church and Bible study bring strength and counsel to my spiritual healing. When I haven’t prioritized those relationships, signs of burnout can start to creep up.
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How do we overcome burnout?
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