If you’re struggling to
find the perfect gift for the teenage boy on your Christmas list, here are some
gift ideas to get you started...
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Do It Yourself
Get a subscription to the Craftsman Crate, which actually looks like a wooden crate. Inside are all of the pieces necessary to create hand-crafted artisan pieces based on that month's theme. From specialized tools down to the bits of wood and paper needed, it's all in the box so that there's no need for a run to the store to complete your project. Learn more here!
Drive My Car
A gift of car accessories is a sure win if the teenage boy on your list is old
enough to drive and has his own car. Even for the teenage boy who is not
driving yet, this could be a great gift. Young guys dream of owning their first
set of wheels. A gift of car wax and other cleaning supplies allow him to
pamper his new toy. Seat covers or other decorative accessories let him give
his car a personal touch.
Read All About It
If cars, sports, and music aren't his gig, maybe books are. They certainly are for our teens! Why not stock his e-reader with a complete set of books from his favorite series? Our teens love Rick Riordan, Robert Jordan, and Steve Berry books. For younger teens, check out the Ten Best Historic Series for Boys.
Groovy Dudes
Black light lamps are back, and any teenage boy on your list is likely to want
one. Get him one for his room. and find out what glows in the dark. Many posters and other decorative accessories are available now that spring to life under a
black light. Your music lover will want this one!
In the Land of Ice & Snow
Christmas is a great time for winter sports. This year might be the perfect
opportunity for your teenager to get into snowboarding, and simple snowboards
can be purchased at a relatively low price. The thrill of conquering a new
challenge motivates many a teenage boy, and snowboarding will give him a way to
release some energy and add excitement to the winter months.
Listen to the Music
Boys love noise — and their favorite kind is music. Whatever his music
preferences, the teenage boy on your list is most likely to be passionate about
his bands. With a portable CD or MP3 player he can listen to his music anytime,
anywhere, and you won’t have to hear it. If he already has a cell phone that doubles as his music player, why not invest in some good wireless earbuds?
Go Team
Many teenage boys are into some sort of sport (including our boys, if you count fencing). Whether it is basketball, football, baseball, or NASCAR racing, he most likely has a favorite team or sports hero. Buy him a jersey from his team. Even better, find a jersey with the number of his favorite player.
Beat the Blues
Most teenage boys wear jeans, and they're active, which means the jeans get torn up. Just make sure you buy the style he likes. Some teenage boys like snug-fitting jeans, while others like their jeans baggy. You might need to take him to the store with you, or raid his closet to find out the size and style..
Electronics Gift Certificate
Gadgets and entertainment equipment are always a hit with teenage boys. A gift certificate to a consumer electronics store will give him an excuse to check out all of the latest TVs, stereo equipment, and computers. This is also the place where he can find his favorite music and video games.
Last Ditch Effort
When all else fails, head out and grab a generic gift card. After all, with a little shopping savvy, he has a way better chance of finding the ideal gift that will leave him saying,
“DUDE, this is so cool!”

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