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Sunday, November 1

Grateful for the Everyday Treasures

Not even gonna front here...2020 has been such a difficult year that, when tasked with writing a post about the things we were grateful for this year, it gave me quite a pause. I'm sure that our experience has been like many of of more downs than ups, as the year brought a succession of new challenges with each passing month.

We abandoned the Friday box sometime around April, though it may be time to revive it again. What's the Friday Box, you ask? It's a practice of expressing gratitude on a regular basis...and one we've done for nearly seven years now. You should try it out!

So, in no particular order, here are some things that, after much reflection, I find I am truly grateful for in 2020...
  • Family - We've experienced loss and grief amongst our friends and family this year, like many of you, and it's made us appreciate them that much more. We've spent more time talking, and really listening, this year.
  • Our readers - This blog wouldn't exist without you! And all those times that you shopped through our Amazon affiliate button....every nickel added up and was extremely appreciated when we found ourselves without a paycheck. So THANK YOU!
    • Dear readers, we love you so much that we're planning AMAZING giveaways for the holiday make sure to open your emails for the rest of the year!
  • Online video chat services - While I have a love / hate relationship with technology, these have been integral to feeding relationships and keeping spirits up.
  • Homeschooling - The fact that we were already settled in homeschooling when 'rona happened meant that we weren't flung into an even more stressful situation. It also allowed us the opportunity to reach out and help other families who were flailing with trying to start this new thing...
  • Bulk warehouse stores + coupons - The combination of the two makes buying in bulk easier and cheaper, ensuring that our fridge is stocked.
  • Local public library - For a house full of bibliophiles, getting a fresh stock of books each week keeps us excited and happy. Even more excitement happened when our library started offering digital e-book checkouts this year!
  • SchoolhouseTeachers - Our membership covered everything we needed for homeschooling both the boys (plus fun stuff for mom), so no need to stress over new books and expensive resources for the new school year.
  • Chocolate - There are those of you who don't like chocolate....I don't understand that. A square of dark chocolate can restore the day!

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand how people don't like chocolate. It really does help make life better on those sad days.


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