Schoolhouse Review Crew : 2018 Blue Ribbon Awards
Click on the links to read full-length reviews for each product. (Find all of our curriculum reviews here.)
- Heirloom Audio: Wulf the Saxon - Can we say enough good stuff about this entire line of products?? Nope. Our number one choice audiobook, these are more like audio movies for the car. Our only complaint is that there aren't more of them...
- Drive Thru History Adventures - We've long been fan of the history DVDs here, which tie in Biblical history with both ancient and American history, but this online curriculum to accompany them makes an excellent high school resource. We hope to see more from them in the future!
- Home School in the Woods - The products found here make a superb supplement to any history curriculum. Our favorites are the Time Travelers series, with Project Passport taking a close second, and they cover just about every era.
- One of our personal favorites is The Good & the Beautiful, which covers all four eras each year!
Language Arts
- Memoria Press: Logic I & II - Perfect for our high schooler who is interested in pre-law, this two-course set goes way above and beyond my skills! Fortunately, it came with a DVD set and comprehensive teacher's guide...
- A favorite in our house is The Good & the Beautiful, which combines language arts, geography, and art history.
- Guitar 360 - Online music lessons that you have access to for life? This amazing service is like having private instruction in your home!
- Artistic Pursuits - A history-based art program finally got the kids interested in some of the basics of art it was hands-on fun!
- Great Waters Press - Hal & Melanie bring years of parenting experience (six boys, y'all!) to the table, and they keep it real every time. You'll learn a lot while laughing aloud!
Unit Studies
- We Were There books - This one is our own work, and we think you'll love it! Using the Charlotte Mason method (that's 'reading aloud with the family'), these immersive unit studies tackle one aspect of history each. Perfect for middle and high school students!
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